Happy Mother's Day to all my Mommy friends!
Mother's Day was always a special day for my sister and I to celebrate our day and Mom's day with Mom. This year was different; our first Mother's Day without her. Dad, Amy and her kids, the boys and my family went to visit Mom's grave and deliver our flowers to her. I missed seeing Mom's reaction to her flowers we gave or the presents that the boys, Amy and I came up with. She always glowed on Mother's Day. It was her day to be spoiled by her 6 kids. After I had my kids I got to share my day, too, with her!!! This Mother's Day felt empty without her. I still got to celebrate my day of course with my family but also with Amy, the boys and Dad. It was nice to share our memories of Mom. I missed her smile, hugs, voice and the good conversations we all had with her. I know Mom had a wonderful Mother's Day in heaven and was watching down at us. The best gift is knowing I have my angel Mother looking down at me.
Raya added an extra special flower for Grandma.
Dad putting the last touches on the flowers he bought Mom.
Dad and the kids getting ready to throw away the old flowers!
My sister Amy and I on Mother' s Day 2010. I love you Amy. I have no pictures of my kids and I. They didn't want pictures with their Mommy! I did get extra hugs and kisses from them today! I am thankful for :Being Called MommyHugs from Maraya and BreckinKisses from Breckin and MarayaCuddlingThe I Love You'sThe "flowers" Breckin or Maraya pick me out of our yardHappy Mother's Day!!