Thursday, February 18, 2010

Happy 5 years!

5 years ago today I met my husband. We met at Good Times in Lowden. Justin gave Corey my number. I had a call from him that night while I was out with my brothers. I didn't answer the call because I didn't know what to say to him! Corey left a message and I was so anxious of what he had to say. Justin and Corey knew each other. I saw Corey at a bar in Camanche and thought he was good looking. Justin told Corey I thought he was hot! Then 2 months later Corey asked Justin if I was single. February 18th, 2005 Corey called and left a message to say he wanted to meet me and take me out. Since I didn't answer the call, Justin called Corey and told him to come out and see us in Lowden. Corey drove all the way from Clinton to come see me. When he walked in the Lowden bar I was so nervous. That night we hung out in Lowden and Wheatland. The next night Corey asked me out on a date. We went to Applebee's and then headed to the Davenport bars. We had such a wonderful time together. We sat at the Mound St bar in Davenport and talked for hours. That night I knew Corey was going to be the one for me! I would have to say it was love at first sight.
Happy 5 years Corey!


  1. awwwww
    you got yourself a great husband jana!
    i LOVE that pic of you two also :)

  2. awwwww so sweet....

    and you got 2 beautiful children from that!!!
